Tuesday, January 29, 2008

'Big Change' in Elections Smokescreen to Pacify Public

The "big change" called for by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the new Speaker of the House, is nothing more than a political smokescreen to pacify Americans as, behind the scenes, the New World Order and Illuminati are still firmly in control over U.S. foreign and domestic policy.

This should be the headline in the New York Times but unfortunately the Vatican has a firm noose around the neck of the Times corporate owners, making them also complicit in treason against the people of the United States.

And a phone call to Pelosi's Washington D.C. office Friday illustrates how tough questions, tough question never asked by the traitors in the media never will be answered by slimy politicians until Vatican puppets like Pelosi, as well as the entire Senate and most all members of the House are removed by "the crook of the neck" and charged with treason along with their media buddies.

Before getting to the "tough questions," Drew from Pelosi's Washington office provided several politically correct answers for the easier, more common questions.

Repeal of the Patriot Act

"Congresswoman Pelosi has been opposed to the Patriot Act, but has not yet gone on record whether she will make it a priority to seek its repeal."

The War in Iraq

"She will seek to begin a troop withdrawal immediately and then a total withdrawal by the end of next year."

Robert Gates Nomination for Secretary of Defense

"Congresswoman Pelosi has gone on the record, saying Mr. Gates is well qualified for the position, but the Senate should look at him very closely before he is sworn in."

And hopefully Pelosi and others will contact Patricia Johnson-Holm of Seattle who claims Gates through his connection with the Preston, Gates and Ellis Seattle Law Firm was involved in a sex slavery ring on the West Coast, involved in kidnapping her son, David L. Johnson, involved with Jack Abramoff, involved with George H. Bush in the 80's when they illegally wire tapped Johnson-Holm, involved with illegal gun-running in Iraq and Iran through the connections of the Kenn Borek Airline Co. and his involvement with the Ft. Steilacom Apartment complex and illegal drug-running.

In response to Pelosi's statement, Johnson-Holm said: "These connections should open up a can of worms. But if you say America is in for a big change, then I hope the Senate uses its subpoena power to get to the bottom of Mr. Gates connections to all of my above allegations."

Bush Impeachment

"The Congresswoman has gone on the record saying she would not seek the impeachment of George W. Bush."

With the easy questions out of the way, here are some of the tough ones never asked by the media and never answered by the politicians. Let's see if Pelosi has the courage to answer the following in a forthright manner without sidestepping the issues or claiming ignorance. Although the following five questions are of a very general nature, they should open up a myriad of others. If you, the reader, have any specific questions for Pelosi, forward them to the Arctic Beacon as we will be contacting her office on a regular basis.

Question 1:

Will you present to the American people and to the entire House the Bush family connection to the Nazi Party, their treasonous dealings and their lack of loyalty to the United States as documented in the Congressional Record and the National Archives?

Question 2:

Do you believe 9/11 was an inside job and are you complicit in the cover-up or aware of anyone in the United States government complicit in the planning or cover-up of 9/11? Do you believe Communism was never a threat and

Question 3:

Do you believe the Vatican is in firm control of American policy, the Council on Foreign Relations and the entire United States Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches? Do you believe all the major leaders of the world work together for the glory of Rome and a future One Word Order brought about through the proliferation of genocide and war?

Question 4:

Is your role in the Illuminati and the New World Order to be the liberal shill who appeases the American Left? Are you, in reality, knowingly selling out your country for the future one world government and one world religion sponsored by the Vatican through its henchmen Jesuits?

Question 5:

Have you ever read about the Jesuit Order's connections with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the poisoning of at least three other Presidents and the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Do you agree with President Reagan's decision to reinstitute diplomatic relations with the Vatican after more than 100 years due to its connection with the murder of Lincoln?

Greg Szymanski is an independent researcher, columnist, and radio talk show host. Visit his "last frontier of truth" at http://www.arcticbeacon.com and listen to his international radio show at http://www.gcnlive.com M-F from 4-6pm central.Aurea Blog15567
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